Black Chicken Eggs, Is It Real or Fake? Find The Facts Here!

 Discover Whether Black Chicken Eggs Are Myth Or Fact

Black chicken eggs – Well, this is what you are going to find in this article. It sounds unique, unbelievable, and weird enough to think if this is a fact.

Just imagine seeing black chicken eggs in front of you with black chicken egg yolk – black at all.

If it is real, you may need more than once time to think whether you can eat it or not.

Some of you perhaps feel disgusting, but some of you probably think this is really challenging. But remember, this is only ‘if’.

So, Do Black Chicken Eggs Really Exist?

Assumptions about the existence of black chicken eggs may come from people who are interesting in black chicken breeds.

As you know, there are some black chicken breeds around the world.

The black chicken breeds indeed have full color of black in their body, start from their feather, face, ears, comb, beak, legs, skin, meat, and bones.

And maybe some people also think that black chicken breeds also lays eggs in black color.  

The picture of black chicken eggs, which is still a question of its truth.
The picture of black chicken eggs, which is still a question of its truth.

Well, before we talk about black eggs, we had better have an insight about the black chicken breeds first.

Have you ever heard about Cemani Chicken? Or Kadaknath Chicken? If you are a really chicken lover, you must know this: what breed of chickens are black.

At this point, you have no idea whether black eggs do exist or not. But you will know that black chicken breeds do exist!

1. Cemani Chicken

One of those black chicken breeds is Cemani chicken. This is one kind of the rarest chicken in the world which is native to Indonesia.

So, of course Indonesian people must know the exoticism of this chicken. What is most popular from this chicken is in the color. As a result, this chicken is also very popular in other countries.

Even, this black chicken price can reach very high price. The chicken in livestock can cost you from $50 to thousands of dollar for a pair.

But the king of the expensive chicken would have to be this Indonesian breed which will run you $2,500 for one chicken only! You can also try ayam cemani meat that has black color too, and exactly the taste is delicious.

As you can read previously that the most popular thing from this chicken is in color.

Baca Juga!  Ayam Cemani Meat Benefits That You Never Imagine Before

What is the different with others chicken since we know that in the world, black chicken for sale is not only Cemani Chicken.

There are more chicken which has black color. However, the color of this chicken is much different which is really solid-black!

2. Kadaknath Chicken

Besides cemani chicken, there are Kadaknath Chicken which native to India. Kadaknath chicken is also one of the black chicken breeds in the world.

They also have black appearance head to toe, bones, internal organs, and meat. Kadaknath black chicken meat is known as a delicious chicken with lots of benefits.

And Kadaknath chicken price also high, moreover the meat has a lot of nutritional value like cemani chicken.

The difference with Cemani Chicken is the color of the feather. If cemani chicken feather color is solid-black, while Kadaknath Chicken is black with a greenish iridescence.

But both are part of popular black chicken breeds around the world.

The picture above is Kadaknath Chicken, it is similar to Cemani chicken but they have a greenish iridescent on their feather.
The picture above is Kadaknath Chicken, it is similar to Cemani chicken but they have a greenish iridescent on their feather.

Well, now you have to know some black chicken breeds which are often thought to have black chicken eggs.

Do those chickens hatch and produce black eggs? Let’s see.

Do Those Black Chicken Breeds Lay Black Eggs?

Back to the main topic about black chicken eggs. Well, you already know the real fact of Cemani Chicken and Kadaknath Chicken which has black color inside and outside.

Due to this fact, many people believe that Cemani and Kadaknath Chicken can lay black eggs. 

When people are looking for chickens that lay black eggs for sale, most of them will choose Cemani Chicken or Kadaknath Chicken.

However, do they really lay black eggs? Well, even though Cemani Chicken and Kadaknath Chicken are black at all but it doesn’t mean they can produce black eggs.

The black color of this chicken is the result of unique genetic condition called fibromelanosis. 

This condition causes genetic mutations so that the chicken contain extra melanin.

Cemani Chicken Eggs, it is not in black but cream and there is a little pink spot.
Cemani Chicken Eggs, it is not in black but cream and there is a little pink spot.

Nevertheless, Cemani chicken cannot lay black eggs. Why? According to a source, the genetic condition that causes black color in chicken’s body cannot reach the egg shell.

It protects the eggs from any condition outside.

This is if you really hope Cemani can lay black eggs, you will get nothing. If it is not black, then what is the color of Cemani chicken eggs? Find the answer below.

What Is The Color of Cemani Chicken Eggs?

Similar with other chicken types, ayam cemani eggs color is cream. Really has no different color with others. What makes it different happens when they egg yolk which is yellow in the beginning, then it turns slowly into black color (but not totally black). It happens when the embryo starts to appear which means the egg is in good quality so it will begin to form the chick.

So, black chicken eggs is just myth? Yes. If you ever hear the story about chicken that can lay black eggs will bring fortune to the owners, it is just a myth.


This belief is still believed mostly by Indonesian people. It is because of the history of Cemani chicken in the past that tells about its mystical power.

Other information :

What Breed Of Chicken Lays a Black Egg?

Then, what egg it is if you ever see pictures of black eggs in the internet? Needless to say, it is truly fake. So far, there is no proof of the black chicken eggs existence.

So, if you ask question: what breed of chicken lays a black egg?

The answer is clear: there is no chickens that lay black eggs. Then, are you still looking for black chicken eggs for sale? Unfortunately, you will never find it anywhere.

If we talk about chicken, it’s obvious that black eggs are only myths. However, if we talk about breed of bird that lays black egg, it can be possible.

Do you want to know?

Alright, just for additional information about black eggs (not chicken eggs), there is one type of bird that can lay black eggs. Actually, it is not really solid black as you imagine.

It’s very dark in green. Please check the picture below:

Emu's egg, the black egg but bird egg, not a chicken egg. But its actually dark green.
Emu’s egg, the black egg but bird egg, not a chicken egg. But its actually dark green.

What Kind of Egg Is It?

It is Emu’s egg. Emu is the second-largest living bird in the world after their relative, ostrich.

Emu is found in Australia, while ostrich is native to Africa. Both of them are part of the ratite family, a group of birds that cannot fly.

Emu and the eggs, when viewed from a distance the eggs are black, but actually dark green-almost black.
Emu and the eggs, when viewed from a distance the eggs are black, but actually dark green-almost black.

As you can see in the picture above, the color of Emu egg is like black while actually it is really really dark in green.

The size is also bigger than any others since Emu itself is the second largest-bird in the world.

That’s only few information about black eggs. However, if you are looking for information about black chicken egg, don’t expect anything because there is no chicken can lay black eggs.

Remember that black chicken breeds do exist, but not for black chicken egg.

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Agus Harianto S.Pt & Hobi Ternak Team 9

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